Cookie Policy

Last updated on 18-sep-2023
Effective date 18-sep-2023

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that store information. They are stored on your device when you visit our website. Thanks to cookies, our website works as it should, it is more secure, you get a better user experience and we see how the website is performing. So we know what's going well and what could be improved.

How do we use cookies?
Like many other websites, at Systego we use both our own and third-party cookies. Our own cookies are mainly needed to make the website work properly and do not store any of your personal data.

Third-party cookies help us understand how you interact with our website. They provide a safe experience, relevant ads and a user-friendly website. This allows us to serve you even faster on your next visit.

Changing your cookie preferences
Want to change your cookie settings? You can do so at any time here. This way you can adjust your preferences or withdraw your consent.

Cookie Settings

In addition, you can block or delete cookies through your browser. Below is how that works for the most commonly used browsers:

Are you using another browser? Then check the official documentation for that browser.